Senior Leadership Team Responsibilities

We have a Senior Leadership Team that comprises 11 individuals with representation from both teaching and professional support staff. This includes Headteacher, 3x Deputy Headteachers, 4 x Assistant Headteachers, Headteacher's PA, School Business Manager and Data & Exams Manager.





Stefan McElwee 



Clare Barker

(Office Manager, PA to Headteacher/CEO, Clerk to Governors)

1  Overall responsibility for:

  1. Effectiveness of leadership and management
  2. Strategic planning and vision
  3. Financial management
  4. School improvement planning
  5. School self evaluation and department reviews
  6. Staff appointments
  7. Performance management, appraisal and pay progression
  8. Middle leadership; consistency, quality assurance and development
  9. Implementation of policies & procedures
  10. Whole school feedback:
    1. Student voice (SOTM)
    2. Parent surveys
    3. Staff surveys 
  11. Staff requests for leave of absence
  12. Organisation of open day visits
  13. Liaison with the Academy Committee
  14. Staff briefings
  15. Organisation of training days

2  Line management of:

  1. Senior Leadership Team  (x10)
  2. Business Manager
  3. Headteacher’s PA
  4. Maths faculty

Overall responsibility for:

(Administration and School Profile)

  1. School website
  2. Marketing and publicity
  3. Annual calendar
  1. Register and record sickness absence
  2. Appointments process:
    1. Adverts
    2. Programme
    3. References 
    4. DBS Checks
  3. SCR 
  4. Safer recruitment
  5. Clerk to Governors

Line management of:

  1. School administration staff





Pillar 1:          Happy

Students spend the vast majority of their time in school  engaged in learning in our classrooms. We know that students are at their happiest when they are involved in great lessons characterised by engaging and challenging activities leading to all students making strong progress. Our first Pillar emphasises and develops our work on ensuring a broad and ambitious curriculum is designed and implemented to ensure ‘great teaching’ is at the core of our work in school. Learning is a journey across different phases of education, the development of our transition work ensures we build on the strong foundations established at Primary school.

Pillar  2:      Safe and Secure

Strong relationships underpin everything we do in school. We want to know our students as individuals to ensure their individual talents and interests are recognised and developed. Our second Pillar emphasises the importance of the wider Personal Development curriculum in ensuring students are well -prepared to become responsible, global citizens who participate in the wider community beyond school. Strong and secure safeguarding underpins our work. We want our students to learn and demonstrate strong behaviours and attitudes that will prepare them well for life in their next stages.

Pillar 3:     Achieve Exceptionally Well

Strong and secure outcomes form a strong evidence base that our school improvement priorities are supporting the academic and personal development of all of our students, including those in the Sixth Form. Our third pillar develops strong quality assurance processes to ensure our students achieve exceptionally well. We recognise the importance of all our learners, including those who are disadvantaged or those with additional needs, ensuring they are prioritised in our planning.


Rob Spurr

(Deputy Headteacher) 

Jonny Greenshields

(Deputy Headteacher)

Mark Warland 

(Deputy Headteacher)

Overall responsibility for:

  1. The school in the absence of the Headteacher (with JGR & MWA)
  2. The quality of teaching, learning and assessment practices:
    1. Bespoke CPL provision
    2. Action research oversight (with SMC)
    3. Management of Lesson Study process
    4. Monitoring & evaluation processes
    5. SLT link meeting programme
  3. Curriculum development
    1. Overview of subject curricula (Tier 1-3) including regular review
  4. Department review process (with SMC)
  5. Department Improvement Plans
  6. Professional Tutor responsibilities for trainee teachers
  7. ECT Induction Coordinator
  8. Return to work meetings (teaching & professional support staff)

2  Line management of:

  1. Technology Faculty
  2. English Faculty

Year group link: 10





Overall responsibility for:

  1. The school in the absence of the Headteacher (with RSP & MWA)
  2. Overview of the school pastoral system with a focus on Personal Development (Years 7-11)
  1. Whole school pastoral meetings with WCA
  2. Oversight and leadership of RSE
  3. Organisation of PSHE sessions
  4. School-wide SMSC provision 
  5. Assembly rota

      c) Whole-school extra-curricular and enrichment programme including tracking engagement

      d) IAG and Careers

  1. KS3 coordination (with SRO)
  2. KS4 advice for options (with MWA)
  3. Post 16 careers and apprenticeships

        e)  Organisation of parents’ evenings (KS3)

        f)  Parental engagement

        g) Parents’ handbook (with SMC)

        h) Representative at LA Fair Access Panel

         i) Child Protection (Deputy DSL)

2 Line management of:

  1. Modern Languages faculty

Year group link: Year 9

Overall responsibility for:

  1. The school in the absence of the Headteacher (with RSP & JGR)
  2. Standards and Achievement (KS4)
  3. School timetable & curriculum model
  4. Coordination of RAG meetings (KS4)
  5. In-school variation:
    1. Analysis of departmental and staff performance
    2. Support plans for individuals and departments (as necessary)
  6. Curriculum planning and KS4 options processes
  7. Support your child evenings
  8. Revision and additional study programmes
  9. School calendar overview
  10. Educational trips and visits final approval
  11. Target setting and monitoring of progress (with JWA)
  12. Child Protection (Deputy DSL)
  13. New staff induction programme (with RSP)
  14. PP lead

2  Line management of:

  1. Expressive Arts faculty 

Year group link: Year 11








Sarah Routledge 

(Assistant Headteacher)

Will Close Ash

(Assistant Headteacher)

Julie Hall

(Assistant Headteacher/Head of Sixth Form)

1  Overall responsibility for:

  1. Oversight of KS3, including:
    1. Raising attainment
    2. Progress
    3. Intervention
    4. Support strategies
  2. Transition from KS2 to KS3
    1. Coordination of transition activities with Pele Trust schools
    2. Effective transition of non-Pele Trust students
  3. Planning for use of catch up funding for Y7 students
    1. Accelerated reader programme
  4. Coordination of literacy across the curriculum

2  Line management of:

  1. Science faculty
  2. Transition & Pastoral Support Worker
  3. Librarian

Year group link: Year 7

1   Overall responsibility for:

  1. Overview of the school pastoral system with a focus on Behaviour & Attitudes (Years 7-11)
    1. Whole school pastoral meetings with JGR
    2. Behaviour management systems
    3. Attendance
    4. Student planners
  2. Coordination of the on-tow system
  3. Coordination of the on-call system
  4. Organisation of parents’ evenings (KS4)
  5. Alternative and off-site education
  6. Exclusions and reintegration meetings
  1. Staff duty rota

2  Line management of:

  1. Business/ ICT faculty
  2. Pastoral leaders

1  Overall responsibility for:

  1. Effectiveness of 16-19 provision
  2. Achievement post-16
    1. Raising Achievement Group (Post-16)
  3. Behaviour and attitudes 
  4. Systems for recording, tracking and reporting student data post-16
  5. Leadership and management post-16:
    1. Managing key leaders in team
    2. Managing form tutors post-16
  6. IAG and progression post 18:
    1. UCAS applications lead
    2. Apprenticeships
    3. Jobs and careers
  7. Coordination of the post 16 options process and evening
  8. Coordination of student voice post 16

2  Line management of:

  1. Deputy Heads of post-16 (x2)
  2. Post-16 support staff
  3. Humanities Faculty



Diane Jamieson

(Business Manager)

Lyn Robinson 

(Assistant Headteacher)

Jamie Ward

(Data and Exams Manager)

Overall responsibility for:

  1. School budget
    1. Setting and monitoring of budget
  2. Management of external contracts and SLAs
  3. GDPR and data management
  4. Oversight of premises and facilities
  5. Oversight of catering
  6. Human resources lead (with SMC)
    1. Appointments process
    2. Contracts
    3. Liaison with the LA
  7. School wide ICT provision (with MWA)
  8. EVC

Line management of:

  1. Site staff
  2. Catering staff
  3. Finance staff

1  Overall responsibility for:

  1. Oversight of SEND provision and strategy across the school
  2. Safeguarding and Child Protection (Designated Senior Person)
  3. Prevent duty lead
  4. School Mental Health Lead
  5. Online safety and review
  6. Access arrangements for exams
  7. Inclusion, intervention and achievement of:
    1. Looked after children
    2. Forces children
    3. Young carers

  1. Deputy SENCO
  2. Curriculum Support Assistants

Year group link:

Line management of: Year 8

Overall responsibility for:

  1. Exams:
  1. Entries for all external exams & compliance with JCQ regulations
  2. Access arrangements for external exams (with LRO)
  3. Internal examination processes
  4. Appointing and training of exam invigilators
  1. Data:
    1. Target setting
    2. Recording and tracking systems
    3. Reports for school/department & teacher level analysis
    4. Tables Checking Exercise
    5. Assessment Calendar
  2. Coordination of parents’ evening booking system
  3. Course Manager in SIMS and to liaise with LJO to ensure accuracy of Census

Line management of:

  1. Data and Exams Clerk