Schools have a list of statutory policies as required by the DfE. Some of these must be available on the school website.
Attendance Policy 2024-25
PHS Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy 2024-25
PHS Anti-Bullying-Policy 2024-25
PHS Behaviour Policy 2024-25
PHS Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2024-25
PHS Relationships & Sex Education Policy 2024-25
PHS Complaints Procedure 2024-25
PHS Whistleblowing Policy 2024-25
PHS Provider Access Policy 2024-25
Freedom of Information Policy 2024-26
PHS Data Breach Policy
PHS CCTV Policy 2024-25
PHS Privacy Notice Pupils
PHS Privacy Notice Parents & Carers
PHS Remissions Policy 2024-25
PHS School Travel Policy 2024-25
Admissions Policy 2024-25
PHS SEND Policy 2024-25
Ponteland High School ICT Acceptable Use and E-Safety Policies 2024-25
PHS Remote Education Policy 2024-25
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions 2024-25