Author, Stuart Reid, visits years 7 and 8 on World Book Day

03 March 2023

As a celebration of World Book Day, we had visiting author Stuart Reid in School. Stuart delivered a fantastic session to Year 7. Stuart involved the audience in live readings of his published stories; Year 7 thoroughly involved acting out the words to his narrative and participated with enthusiasm and vigour in the dressing up and acting! Many students lined up to speak to Stuart during break time or to purchase a signed copy of his novels. Later, Stuart delivered an excellent creative writing session to a smaller group of aspiring writers in Year 8. In amongst the fun and enjoyment, Stuart's key message for students was about the importance of working to be the best at anything you do, regardless of your role.

Stuart has since contacted the School to say:

'The energy, contribution and laughter from your pupils (and teachers) was superb! The students were an absolute joy to work with! In the creative writing workshops, the pupils were great, listening attentively, and showing lots of enthusiasm'

 Ms Pounder, English teacher said 'We definitely hope to have Stuart back in School again!'


Ponteland High School