After a triumphant first round which secured both our ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams into the next round it was with great trepidation that we took Ponteland team ‘A’ to Bede Academy for a knockout round.
However, Team ‘A’ came away with a 12-6 points win and will progress to play yet another team next month in an attempt to reach the final in June.
Sadly, our Team ‘B’ were beaten to the post by QEHS in a tough battle and their dreams for this year are halted. However, I have to say that I have never been prouder of the determination and skill of our teams who have played brilliantly throughout the competition. The team are keen to play again next year and practice is in full swing at breakand lunchtimes in the library.
Students who took part are:
TEAM A – Ryan A, Henry T, Jefferson C, Brandon A, Beau H and Luke F
TEAM B – Henry B, Austin W-M, Oliver W, Harry J, Matthew F and Seth W.