Civil War Project with Newcastle University and The National Civil War Centre (Newark)
‘A Tale of Two Sieges’
This curriculum project initially started in November 2019 but the pandemic has delayed its completion … until now.
Ponteland High students have previously taken part in comic workshops looking at political cartoons (at Newcastle University) and worked with Cap-A-Pie Theatre Company to create a Civil War play, which was performed at the Palace Theatre in Newark. Students also used this opportunity to visit the National Civil War Centre in Newark.
The two recent 'in-school' sessions were the culmination of this COVID interrupted project. During the two recent sessions, the students worked with members of Newcastle University and the National Civil War Centre (Newark), undertaking an Arms & Armour Workshop. This involved participating in musket and pike drills, as well as a handling workshop in which the students were provided with opportunities to handle Civil War era material from The National Civil War Centre collection.
The students also got to design their own Civil War game and present their ideas to a panel of experts. The winning game will be turned into an actual online game, professionally produced by a web designer from Newcastle University.
Mr Bartlett, who leads our Ponteland High History team commented, “This has been an outstanding opportunity for our students to see history up close and engage with the information on so many levels, whether that is through cartoons/comic strips, role play or designing online games. It has been clear that the students have thoroughly enjoyed their experience, particularly the recent chance to see, touch and hold Civil War era weaponry.”