Ponteland High launches ‘Career of the Week’ RAF Careers

06 December 2021

At Ponteland High School, we have recently launched our own version of  'Career of the Week (COTW)’, where pupils use one morning registration slot each week to learn about important labour market information; this usually focuses on a particular career or industry sector. 

Wherever possible, COTW also includes a Ponteland Alumni page and it was great to have ex-pupil, Tom Morgan feature in our COTW on aircraft engineering, two weeks ago. Tom spoke of his training with Newcastle Aviation Academy and this generated a lot of interest from our pupils in higher apprenticeships. 

On Tuesday 30 November, Sergeant Gemma Kimble delivered an RAF Careers presentation, in our lecture theatre, to interested pupils. The pupils were keen to hear about higher engineering apprenticeships in the RAF but also learnt about the wealth of opportunities to travel with the RAF and those gruelling fitness tests! 

Miss Makepeace, Careers Coordinator, has been instrumental in organising these events and noted, “I was so impressed with the attitude and approach of the pupils who attended this event for their insightful questions and enthusiasm. Special thanks must go to our guest speaker, Sergeant Gemma for a wonderful presentation."



Ponteland High School