A Y8 English class, taught by Miss Bamborough, caught wind that her Y7 class had chosen to make cake models as part of their Shakespeare homework. In what she thinks was a fit of educational jealousy, they organised their own 'cake party', as they've taken to calling it.
Miss Bamborough said, “I didn't even set this as homework, in fact I specifically told them not to do it as it is a lot of time, money and energy for them at the end of a half term. However, they are absolutely incredible!”
They're all specifically linked to The Tempest in some way. Some are depictions of the setting and there's even an engagement cake to celebrate two of the characters who fall in love. Miss Bamborough added, “I was absolutely blown away by how much time and effort went into these; there were 9 in total!”

In order, the cakes were made by Hannah, Frances, Noah, Isobel, Toby, Emily, Jessica and Olivia.